

佐々賞は衛生動物学の若手研究者の研究奨励と業績の顕彰を目的とした賞です。本賞の運営は佐々学博士退官記念事業会より寄託された基金で行われています。受賞対象者は原則として過去2年間に「Medical Entomology and Zoology(衛生動物)」に掲載された優秀な原著論文の筆頭著者の会員です。

「佐々賞」の創設にあたって    佐々 学

■ 佐々賞規定 ■


受賞者 対 象 論 文
2023 33 黒木 章弘

The frequencies of knockdown resistance mutations in phlebotomine sandflies under different degrees of indoor residual spraying.

2022 32 井上 裕香子

Epidemiological survey of tick bites occurring in Hyogo Prefecture from 2014 through 2018

2021 31 小林 大介

RNA virome analysis of hematophagous Chironomoidea flies (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae and Simuliidae) collected in Tokyo, Japan.

2020 30 松山 紘之 シカの排除がマダニ類へ及ぼす影響 -シカ密度を操作した野外実験による検証-
2019 29 坂西梓里 千葉県勝浦市小羽戸地区のサワガニにおける ウェステルマン肺吸虫メタセルカリアの感染状況
木村悟朗 薬剤散布によるヒトスジシマカの防除と非標的生物への影響.衛生動物 第69巻2号,61-65(2018)
2018 28 大庭伸也 A comparison of aquatic insects in ground pools and concrete pools created during the Great East Japan earthquake in 2011. 67(1) 45-50(2016)
 2017 27  前川芳秀 日本産蚊の国内分布に関する全国調査・日本産蚊の分子生物学的種同定のための DNA バーコードの整備
2016 26 大橋和典 長崎市で見られたアカイエカとチカイエカの交雑
2016 26 佐藤寛子 秋田県における Shimokoshi 型つつが虫病の遡及的疫学調査
2015 25 高野 愛 Construction of a DNA database for ticks collected in Japan: application of molecular identification based on the mitochondrial 16S rDNA gene. 64 (1): 13-21.「日本国内におけるマダニ遺伝子データベースの構築:マダニミトコンドリア16S rDNAを用いた遺伝学的同定法確立の試み」
2014 24 Mohamad Reza Laboratory testing of larvivorous fish Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) predation ability to copper-treated Anopheles stephensi larvae: An alternative method for vector control under low concentration of copper 64(2)P67-71, Mohamad REZA, Daisuke S. YAMAMOTO, Hiroyuki MATSUOKA

Low-concentration copper solution jeopardizes larval movement and ability to survive predation: New insight into malaria eradication via vector control 63(3)P217-222. Mohamad REZA, Daisuke S. YAMAMOTO, Hiroyuki MATSUOKA

2013 23 米島万有子 CDC型ミニュチュアライトトラップによるコガタアカイエカ捕獲個体数とトラップ周囲の土地利用との関連性 米島, 万有子; 渡辺, 護; 二瓶, 直子; 小林, 睦生; 中谷, 友樹 (2011) vol. 62 (1) p. 13-22
2012 22 玉城美加子 Tamashiro, M., Toma, T., Mannen, K., Higa, Y. and Miyagi, I. (2011) Bloodmeal identification and feeding habits of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) collected at five islands in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. 62(1): 53-70.
2011 21 山内健生 Yamauchi, T., Obara, M., Watanabe, M., Ando, S., Ishikura, M., Shinagawa, Y., Hasegawa, S., Nakamura, K., Iwai, M., Kurata, T., Takizawa, T. (2009) Survey of tick fauna possessing the ability to act as vectors of rickettsiosis in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. 60(1): 23-31.Yamauchil, T., Tabara, K., Kanamori, H., Kawabata, H., Arai, S., Katayama, T., Fujita, H., Yano, Y., Takada, N., Itagaki, A. (2009) Tick fauna associated with sika deer density in the Shimane Peninsula, Honshu, Japan. 60(4): 297-304.
2010 20 Huang Yao-Te (黄 耀徳) Huang, Y.-T., Takaoka, H. (2009) Description of the female and mature larva of Simulium (Simulium) ufengense(Diptera: Simuliidae) from Taiwan. 60(2): 91-95.Huang, Y.-T., Takaoka, H. (2009) Simulium (Simulium) serenum, a new species of black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Taiwan. 60(1): 33-38.Huang, Y.-T., Takaoka, H. (2008) Simulium (Simulium) pingtungense, a new species of black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Taiwan. 59(4): 309-317.Huang, Y.-T., Takaoka, H. (2008) Description of the female of Simulium (Simulium) puliense (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Taiwan. 59(4): 305-308.Huang, Y.-T., Takaoka, H. (2008) A new species of Simulium (Gomphostilbia) (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Taiwan. 59(3): 171-179.
2009 19 駒形 修 Komagata, O., S. Kasai, I. Obara, N. Motoyama, I. Tanaka, M. Kobayashi, T. Tomita (2008) Concomitant identification of subspecies and insecticide resistance-associated mutations in the mosquito Culex pipiens complex by primer extension-based genotyping. 59(2): 33-46.
2008 18 藤本千種 Fujimoto, C., N. Takezaki, J. Minami, Arif-Ul-Hasan, R.L. Itaki, M. Harada, T. Tsukahara, T. Kobayakawa, F. Hombhanje, A. Masta, I. Hwaihwanje and S. Suguri (2006) Distribution and proportion of anopheline mosquitoes identified by the PCR-RFLP analysis method in Wewak and Maprik Districts of East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. 57(4): 255-264.
2007 17 比嘉由紀子 Higa, Y., K. Hoshino, Y. Tsuda and M. Kobayashi (2006) Dry-ice trap and human bait collection of mosquitoes in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Japan. 57(2): 93-98.
2007 17 田村佳子 Tamura, Y., Y. Tsubaki, Y. Terada, M. Kohmoto and T. Kamio (2004) The efficacy of etoxazole against Haemaphysalis longicornis (Acari: Ixodidae), as a tick control agent. 55(4): 303-311.
2006 16 武間亮香 Buma, R., T. Maeda, Y. Marutaka, M. Kamei, H. Nagamune and H. Kourai (2004) Vectorial capacity of larvae, pupae and adult of housefly (Musca domestica) for Escherichia coli157:H7 and the possibility of transmission from source to human. 55(2):95-106.
2006 16 佐藤寛子 Sato, H., H. Takaoka and M. Fukuda (2004) A new species of Simulium (Nevermannia) (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Japan. 55(3):201-210.Sato, H., K. Saito, M. Fukuda, M. Takahashi and H. Takaoka (2004) Taxonomic revision of Simulium konoiTakahasi (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Japan. 55(4):313-324.Sato, H., H. Takaoka and K. Saito (2005) Description of a new species of Simulium (Nevermannia) (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Japan. 56(1):11-20.
2005 15 葛西真治 Kasai, S., M. Mihara, M. Takahashi, N. Agui and T. Tomita (2003) Rapid evaluation of human louse susceptibility to phenothrin. 54(1): 31-36.Kasai, S., M. Mihara, M. Takahashi, N. Agui and T. Tomita (2003) An artificial blood feeding system for body louse, Pediculus humanus. 54(4):343-351.
2004 14 大塚 靖 Ootsuka, Y., H. Takaoka, C. Aoki and W. Choochote (2003) Phylogenetic analysis of the subgenus Himalayum within the genus Simulium s.l. (Diptera: Simuliidae) using mitochondorial 16S rRna gene sequeces. 54(1):113-120.
2003 13 平林公男 Hirabayashi, K. and K. Ogawa (2000) Field study on capturing midges, Propsilocerus akamusi (Diptera: Chironomidae), by artificialwingbeat sounds in a hyper-eutrophic lake. 51(4): 235-242.平林公男,西尾規孝,山本 優 (2001) 内陸性気候地域におけるユスリカ成虫の分布とその生態に関する研究: 上田盆地における夏期・秋期のユスリカ成虫. 52(2): 87-96.
2002 12 橋本知幸 Hashimoto, T., N. Motoyama, K. Mizutani and G. Shinjo (2000) Repellent and lethal effects of seven chemicals on house dust mites, Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes (Acari: Pyrogyphidae) and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) (Acari: Acaridae). 51(4):275-281.Hashimoto, T., Takada, N. and Motoyama, N. (2001) ATPase activities of acarid mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) (Acari: Acaridae), and their inhibition by several acaridides. 52(3):195-200.
2001 11 孫建新(Sun Jianxin) Sun, J., P. Waidet-Kauadio, K. Ando and Y. Chinzei (1999) Changes in salivary gland proteins during blood feeding in Rhodnius prolixus, and dynamics of antibodies specific to salivary antigens in rabbits bitten by the bugs. 50(1):41-50.
2000 10 河合幸一郎 Kawai, K., E. Inoue, and H. Imabayashi (1998) Intrageneric habitat segregations among chironomid species of several genera in river environment. 49(1):41-50.
1999 9 砂原俊彦 Sunahara, T. and M. Mogi (1997) Drought and overwintering success of Tripteroides bambusa (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae and eggs in a bamboo grove. 48(4):295-302.
1999 9 高橋朋也 Takahashi, T., H. Tsuji, N. Watanabe and M. Hatsukade (1998) Movement of adult German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus), from an occupied harbourage shelter to a vacant new shelter. 3. Interaction between males and females. 49(3):201-206.
1998 8 該当者なし
1997 7 油田正夫 Yuda, M., J. Sun, M. Yamaguchi, K. Ando and Y. Chinzei (1996) Identification and activities of anticoagulants in the salivary glands of the blood sucking kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus. 47(3):263-272.
1996   中尾 稔(辞退のため該当者なし)
1995 6 角坂照貴 Kadosaka, T., M. Fujiwara, E. Kimura and K. Kaneko (1994) Hybridization experiments using 3 species of the scrub typhus vectors, Leptotrombidium akamushi, L. deliense and L. fletcheri. 45(1):37-42.
1994 5 中尾 稔 Nakao, M. and K. Miyamoto (1993) Reservoir competence of the wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus ainu, for the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, in Hokkaido, Japan. 44(2):69-84.
1993 4 該当者なし
1992 3 岡本雅子 Okamoto, M., K. Matsumoto and R. Shirasaka (1991) Studies on the attaching behavior of the Lardoglyphus konoi (Acari, Lardoglyphidae) hypopus and its molting into the tritonymph. 42(3):219-228.
1991 2 高橋 守 高橋 守 (1990) フトゲツツガムシLeptotrombidium(Leptotrombidium) pallidumにおけるつつが虫病リケッチアRickettsia tsutsugamushiの伝播に関する研究. 41(4):389-403.
1990 1 一盛和世 Ichimori, K. (1989) Correlation of mosquito size, blood meal size and malarial oocyst production. 40(2):81-85.
1990 1 馬場 稔 Baba, M. and H. Takaoka (1989) Oviposition sites and the number of larval instars of two mountain blackfly species, Simulium japonicum and S. rufibasis (Diptera: Simuliidae). 40(4):307-313.